
‘传统阀门’和适用于氢气的阀门有什么区别? | 上海尚烨机电设备有限公司-尊龙凯时网娱乐官网

oliver hydcovalves, established in 2021, is dedicated to supporting clients and end users in their pursuit of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. as part of the renowned oliver valve family of companies, we draw upon over 40 years of manufacturing expertise, enjoying a strong global reputation and recognition on many approved vendor lists (avls).

oliver hydcovalves 成立于2021年,致力于支持客户和最终用户追求可持续和环保的做法。作为著名的oliver valve家族的一部分,我们利用40多年的制造专业知识,在全球享有盛誉,并在许多认可供应商名单(avl)上得到认可。

over the past two years, oliver hydcovalves has allocated significant resources to extensive research, aiming to understand the unique effects of hydrogen on various materials. with the advantage of an in-house metallurgy department and a state-of-the-art research and development facility, we have successfully refined and redesigned “conventional” valves, making them well-suited for hydrogen fueling applications.

在过去的两年里,oliver hydcovalves为广泛的研究分配了大量资源,旨在了解氢对各种材料的独特影响。凭借内部冶金部门和最先进的研发设施的优势,我们成功地改进和重新设计了“传统”阀门,使其非常适合氢燃料应用。

hydrogen, being a volatile gas, presents substantial risks, especially to the integrity of materials. consequently, selecting the appropriate materials is crucial to ensure optimal valve performance. hydrogen embrittlement, a phenomenon where hydrogen atoms infiltrate the metal lattice, resulting in brittleness and eventual cracking, poses significant safety hazards and environmental risks, particularly in critical components like valves.


while the visual changes we have made may appear subtle, they were deliberate decisions aimed at maintaining visual familiarity with valves that have been in the field for many years. our goal is to ensure that our product reputation remains recognisable and, consequently, trusted by our clients.


oliver hydcovalves has worked closely with the well-renowned third-party testing body tuv, to type test our hydcovalves products with 99.9% hydrogen. in fact, oliver’s was the first valve manufacturer to successfully qualify a valve at tuv with hydrogen. additionally, our collaboration with dupont has led to the development of a patented sealing technology widely recognized as industry-leading for fugitive emission control.

oliver hydcovalves与著名的第三方测试机构tuv密切合作,用99.9%的氢气对我们的hydcovalves产品进行型式测试。事实上,oliver’s是第一家在tuv成功用氢气认证阀门的阀门制造商。此外,我们与杜邦的合作还开发出了一种专利密封技术,该技术被广泛认为是行业领先的逸散性排放控制。

a common question we receive is, “what is the difference between a ‘conventional valve’ and a valve suitable for hydrogen?”


the key distinctions between a standard “conventional” valve and a valve suitable for hydrogen applications lie in the materials of construction, the sealing technology and the qualification tests. oliver hydcovalves works closely with seal manufacturers to ensure the seals are suitable for the application and then tests the products through a range of tests to simulate them in service conditions to prove product performance.

标准“传统”阀门和适用于氢气应用的阀门之间的主要区别在于结构材料、密封技术和资格测试。oliver hydcovalves与密封件制造商密切合作,以确保密封件适合该应用,然后通过一系列测试对产品进行测试,以在服务条件下进行模拟,以证明产品性能。

at oliver hydcovalves, we prioritize safety and exceptional performance in hydrogen applications. our meticulous material selection process, combined with our innovative sealing technologies, guarantees reliable operation and safeguards against potential risks. we take pride in delivering valve solutions specifically tailored to meet the unique challenges presented by hydrogen applications, and in particular for hydrogen fuel stations.

在oliver hydcovalves,我们优先考虑氢气应用的安全性和卓越性能。我们一丝不苟的材料选择过程,结合我们创新的密封技术,保证了可靠的运行并防范潜在风险。我们以提供专门定制的阀门尊龙凯时网娱乐官网的解决方案而自豪,以应对氢应用带来的独特挑战,特别是氢燃料站。

with our extensive experience and expertise in the hydrogen industry, we are proud to have a robust reference list of successful hydrogen projects that we’ve supported such as, hydrogen transport and hydrogen gas pipeline. these projects serve as tangible evidence of our commitment to delivering reliable valve solutions and our ability to meet the unique requirements of diverse hydrogen applications.


our valve products have been meticulously designed with hydrogen and carbon capture technology to cater to a wide range of applications. whether you are involved in hydrogen transportation and refueling, purification, storage, blending, fuel cells and electrolysers, or heating and cooling systems, we have the right valve solution to meet your specific needs.


if you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please contact us. we are committed to providing you with the highest level of expertise and assistance.






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