
oliver 投资 100 万英镑购买最新的测试设备 oliver invests £1m in latest test rigs | 上海尚烨机电设备有限公司-尊龙凯时网娱乐官网

oliver 投资 100 万英镑购买最新的测试设备 oliver invests £1m in latest test rigs
oliver invests £1m in latest test rigs

在 oliver valves,我们非常重视产品的可靠性,以至于我们最近投资了近 100 万英镑购买了新的、最先进的阀门测试设备,用于我们的 oliver valves 和 oliver valvetek 生产线。 这项重大投资不仅用于满足日益增长的生产和测试需求,而且还寻求最新技术以提高效率,并为我们的客户提供更高的可靠性。

at oliver valves we take the reliability of our products very seriously, so much so that we have recently invested almost £1m in new, state-of-theart valve testing equipment for use on our oliver valves and oliver valvetek production lines. this significant investment has been made not just tomeet increasing production and testing demands, but also looking to the latest technology for efficiency gains and even greater reliability for our customers.

四台、五台试验台已安装调试完毕。 其中两个安装好的试验台带底部夹具,可以在 oliver 的阀门范围内进行水压和气压测试,每个试验台都可以自动夹紧; 这些试验台还提供了在原位执行腔体泄压测试的能力,以及无需转动阀门即可进行双向测试的能力。 其余两个试验台可提供底部和顶部夹紧,具有更大的灵活性。

four, five-station test rigs have been installed and commissioned. two of the installed rigs are bottom clamp, which can perform both hydro and gas testing across the oliver’s valve range with automated clamping on each station; these also provide the ability to perform cavity relief testing in situ, as well as bi-directional testing without having to turn the valves. the remaining two rigs, provide both bottom and top clamping, delivering even greater flexibility.

oliver 投资 100 万英镑购买最新的测试设备 oliver invests £1m in latest test rigsoliver 投资 100 万英镑购买最新的测试设备 oliver invests £1m in latest test rigs




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